Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Minimum Speed of a Free Massive Particle


The Minimum Speed of a Free Massive Particle

Pavle I. Premović
Laboratory for Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry&Astrochemistry,

University of Niš,, Niš, Serbia

Abstract. The equations for the minimum speed and kinetic energy of a free massive particle are derived within the non-relativistic and special relativistic frameworks. These equations are based on de Broglie's relation between momentum and wavelength of this particle.

Keywords: Particle, de Broglie’s wavelength, speed, kinetic energy, relativistic.

The particle-wave duality of the matter is one of the biggest mysteries in science because a massive particle and a wave are opposite each other in every way. Indeed, this particle is a discrete entity enclosed to a relatively very small volume of space, while a wave propagates over a large region of space.

Introduction. In modern physics, it is now widely accepted that light (or in more general terms, electromagnetic radiation) has a dual nature. The wave-like nature of light explains most of its properties: reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference and Doppler effect. On the other hand, the photoelectric effect and Compton effect can be only explained based particle-photon nature of light. The wavelength of this photon λ can be expressed as follows

λ = h/p    … (1)

where h (= 6.62×10-34 J sec-1) is Planck’s constant and p is the momentum of photon.

Elementary physics shows that the momentum of a free massive particle p is

p = mυ

where m is the relativistic mass of this particle and υ is its speed relative to an observer at rest. De-Broglie postulated that a free massive particle shows the dualistic wave-particle character just like light and the eqn. (1) can be also applied to this particle

                                                                             λ = h/mυ    … (2).

aIn the first part of this paper, we will deal with a free[1] “non-relativistic” massive particle (hereinafter “non-relativistic” particle) and in the second part we will deal, in general with a free massive particle 

(hereinafter a free particle).

In general, the “non-relativistic” particles are those whose speed υ is far less than the speed of light or υ << c (= 2.99792×105 km sec-1). Physicists usually assume that the massive particles with υ/c ≤ 0.1 (or υ ≤ 0.1c) are “non-relativistic”. De Broglie’s particle-wave duality has been also verified experimentally for the “non-relativistic” (e. g. electron or neutron diffraction) and relativistic (e. g. electron diffraction) massive particles.

Derivation and Discussion. Suppose now that the “non-relativistic” particle is spherical and has a diameter and a mass at rest: D0 and m0. Obviously, de Broglie’s wave needs a medium through which to spread and that is of course - matter. From analogy with light, we hypothesize that the maximum de Broglie’s wavelength λmax of a “non-relativistic particle” must be equal to its diameter.

Mathematically speaking

λmax = D0.

Applying the formula (2), we get

λmax = h/m0υmin

where υmin is the minimum speed of a “non-relativistic” particle. Substituting λmax of this equation with

D0 and after some rearrangement we get

υmin = h/m0D0 = β    … (3).

According to this equation, in order for a massive “non-relativistic” particle to have a minimum velocity β equals zero its diameter must be infinitely large, which is, of course, impossible.

The minimum kinetic energy of a “non-relativistic” particle is

KEmin = 1/2(m0β2)    … (4).

In sum, eqn. (3) appears also to set a lower limit for its speed, momentum and kinetic energy.


(1) Alpha (α)-particle consists of two protons and two neutrons. The mass of the α-particle is about 6.65×10-27 kg and its diameter is about 3.6 × 10-15 m.  Employing eqn. (3) we calculate that the minimum speed of this particle is about 2.8 × 107 m sec-1 (or about 0.093c). In other words, this is roughly the lowest possible speed of the free α-particle.

The kinetic energy of the free α-particles emitted by the uranium isotopes (226U - 238U) ranges from about 4.2 MeV (= 6.7×10-13 J) up to about 7.6 MeV (= 12.1×10-13 J). Using the expression for the “non-relativistic” kinetic energy KE = 1/2(mυα2) we estimated that the speed of their α-particles υα range is about 1.4 × 107 m sec-1 up to about 1.9 ×107 m sec-1. These values agree in order of magnitude with the above rough estimate of the lowest possible speed of the free α-particle.

Alpha particles are relatively big and heavy and are not able to penetrate very far through a medium. As a result of scattering collisions with various nuclei of the medium through which the free α-particle passes, its kinetic energy is reduced and usually becomes a helium atom capturing two electrons from its surroundings.

(2) Macroscopic non-relativistic objects would have a minimum speed extremely low. For the golf ball with a mass of about 0.05 kg and a diameter of 0.05 m we estimate [using eqn. (3)] its minimum speed would be about 2.7×10-31 m. The average speed of a golf ball is about 50 m sec-1.

In the next part of this paper, we will consider a relativistic particle and the consequences of that consideration on the case of a “non-relativistic” particle.

Strictly speaking, all free massive particles are relativistic. Even if their speed is much less than the speed of light (or υ << c), they are still relativistic. So, there is only a relativistic free massive particle or better to say a free massive particle, in general. This is why the term non-relativistic is put under quotation marks.

Special theory of relativity sets the light speed c as an upper limit to the speed of a massive particle. According to this theory, the mass of a relativistic particle

m = m0/√(1 – υ2/c2)   … (5).

However, Special relativity states that the above spherical “non-relativistic” particle traveling at a relativistic speed would contract in the direction of motion becoming the prolate spheroid-shaped relativistic particle, Fig 1.  Its diameter at rest D0 would be shortened in the direction of its motion, by the factor (1– υ2/c2)1/2.


In equation form,

L = D0√(1 – υ2/c2)    … (6)

where L is the length of a relativistic particle[1] (hereinafter length) along its direction of motion Fig.


Multiplying eqns. (5) and (6) we have


mL = m0D0.
Eqn. (6) shows that in contrast to the previous non-relativistic particle whose diameter D0 is assumed to be constant; the length of a relativistic particle L depends on the speed of this particle υ. Obviously, its wavelength λ cannot be larger than the length L. In equation form,


Fig. 1.  The shape and dimensions of the free spherical particle at relativistic speed.

λ ≤ L = D0√(1 – υ2/c2).

Combining eqn. (2) and the left end of this equation we have

υ ≥ h/mL.

Substituting into this equation m0D0 instead mL we obtain

υ ≥ h/m0D0

having a minimum value

υmin  = h/m0D0 = β.

So, its minimum kinetic energy

KEmin [= (1/2mυmin2)] = 1/2(m0β2)

These equations are identical to eqn. (3) and eqn. (4) derived for υmin and KEmin of a “non-relativistic” particle. In other words, our approach to the minimum speed and kinetic energy of  “non-relativistic” massive particle in the first part of this work sounds reasonable.

Conclusion. The equations for the minimum speed and kinetic energy of a free massive particle are derived. These equations are based on the non-relativistic and special relativistic formulations using de Broglies relation between linear momentum and wavelength of this particle.

[1] It is a free particle in the sense that it is experiencing no net force. 

[2] In fact, its equatorial axis.



Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Reduced Compton Wavelength and the Energy-Position/Momentum-Time Uncertainties


The Reduced Compton Wavelength and

the Energy-Position/Momentum-Time Uncertainties

Pavle I. Premović

Laboratory for Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry&Astrochemistry,

University of Niš,, Niš, Serbia

The Compton scattering is an elastic collision of the x-ray or gamma photons with free electrons (or loosely bound valence shell electrons). This scattering is demonstrated in Fig. 1. In this communication, we are combining Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and the Compton scattering. Note, that some of the expressions (including their derivations) of this communication can be found in modern physics textbooks.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of Compton scattering, in which an incoming photon scatters from an electron at rest.

The electron of the rest mass me has the rest energy of Er = mec2. The Compton scattered electron (hereinafter the Compton electron) possesses relativistic kinetic energy, the relativistic speed υe and the linear momentum pe = meυe.

Before scattering, let the photon move along the positive x-axis having an energy E0 = hν0, frequency ν0, wavelength λ0 and linear momentum p0 = hν0/c, where h ( = 6.63 × 10-34 J s) is the Planck constant and c (= 2.99792×108 m s-1) is the speed of light. After scattering, the photon moves at an angle θ off the x-axis with an energy E = hν, frequency ν, wavelength λ and momentum p = hν/c.

The conservation of linear momentum of the electron after the collision yields,

pe2 = p02 + p2 - 2p0pcosθ.

The conservation of energy gives,

                                                            (pec)2 = ( 0 – hν)2 + 2mec2(hν0 – hν).

Combining these two expressions leads to the standard Compton formula

λ – λ0 = (h/mec)(1 − cosθ).
Here h/mec is called the standard Compton wavelength of the electron, λc, and it has a value of 2.43 10-12 m. This formula supposes that the scattering occurs in the rest frame of the electron. The energy 0 of the incident photon with this wavelength is equal to the rest mass energy mec2 of the electron. In the following discussion, we will take the reduced Compton wavelength λrc = ћ/mec (= 3.87 × 10-13 m), where ћ (= h/2π =1.05 × 10-34 J s) is the reduced Planck constant.

If the Heisenberg uncertainty principle holds for the Compton electron[1] then

ΔpeΔxe ħ.

This inequality can be expressed as

aΔpeΔxe = aħ    ... (1)

where a ≥ 1. In this case, quantum mechanics predicts that the uncertainty in position of the Compton electron Δxe must be greater than the reduced Compton wavelength ħ/mec or Δxe > λrc = ħ/mec.[2] Accordingly, we can write

Δxe = αћ/mec    ... (2)

where α > 1.

If the uncertainty in energy Δpe of the Compton electron is higher than mec then the uncertainty in its energy ΔEe (> mec2) would be high enough to create an electron-positron pair. Suppose that

Δpe = bmec    ... (3),

where b ≤ 1. Thus for the Compton electron the momentum-position expression we can be written as

ΔpeΔxe = ħ     ... (4)

with bα = a, see equation (1).

By differentiating the relativistic equation for the total energy Ee of the Compton electron  Ee2 = (pec)2 + (mec2)2, we obtain

ΔEe = υeΔpe    ... (5).

If we multiply both sides of equations (5) with Δxe and using equation (4) we get

ΔEeΔxe = υeΔpeΔxe = bαħυe     ... (6).

According to Special relativity, the speed of the Compton electron υe cannot be greater than c.  It is reasonable to assume that 1 ≤ a ≤ 2[3] and that υe is relativistic when it is equal or larger than 0.5c. In this case υe < 2c. So equation (6) can be rewritten

ΔEeΔxe < 2ћc ... (7).

aRecently, employing the uncertainty relation for momentum-position, we have derived the same energy-position uncertainty expression for a relativistic particle with the speed υ 0.5c {1}. This derivation was based on the same two assumptions as above for the Compton electron, and these are (A): the speed of light c is independent of the motion of the observer, as postulated by Special relativity and (B): 1 ≤ a ≤ 2.

We also derived the expression for the momentum-time position for a relativistic particle with the speed υ ≥ 0.5 c{1}:

ΔppΔt > ħ/c    ... (8).

The energy time-uncertainty relation for the Compton electron is

ΔEeΔt ħ    ... (9).

As we derived above ΔEe = υeΔpe. So, relation (9) can be rewritten

υeΔpeΔt > ħ    ... (10).

Since the speed of the Compton electron υe after interaction with the photon cannot be greater than c. In this case (10) we arrive at

ΔpeΔt > ħ/c.

Thus, inequality (8) holds for the Compton electron.

As we pointed out in footnote 1 the value of ħ/2 is seldom attained; the values ħ and h are more common. Thus, the energy-position expression (7) can be written as ΔEeΔxe < ћc or ΔEeΔxe < 2hc. Similarly, the momentum-time expression (8) can be reformulated as ΔpeΔt > ħ/2c or ΔpeΔt > h/c.


{1} P. I. Premović, The Energy-position and the momentum-time uncertainty expressions. The General Science Journal, December 2021. 

[1] This is a crucial assumption. In general, it is worth mentioning that the lower limit of ћ/2 for ΔpΔx is rarely attained; more usually ћ even h.

[2] Since the standard Compton wavelength λc (= h/mec) and the de Broglie wavelength (λDB = h/meυare both greater than λrc (= ħ/mec). So, if Δxe > λDB or  > λc then Δxe > λrc.

[3] It is reasonable to expect that 1 < α ≤ 2.






On the Absence of Dark Matter in the Milky Way

  On the Absence of Dark Matter in the Milky Way* Pavle I. Premović Laboratory for Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry&Astrochemistry, Univ...