Distant Galaxies in the
Non-Expanding (Euclidean) Universe:
The Light Speed
Pavle I. Premović
Laboratory for Geochemistry,
University of Niš, pavleipremovic@yahoo.com, Niš, Serbia
Abstract. The superluminal speed of light coming from distant
galaxies in the non-expanding (Euclidean) Universe may explain the redshift of that light.
Keywords: Universe, cosmology, Big Bang, galaxy, redshift,
speed of light.
Redshift and blueshift in cosmology are characterized by the relative
difference between the observed and emitted wavelengths (or frequencies) of
light (or in general electromagnetic radiation) sourced by an
astronomical object such as a galaxy. The (wavelength-based) redshift is expressed z = (λG – λE)/λE
where λG is the wavelength of light emitted by the source of the galaxy
and λE is the wavelength of light generated by the same source on
the Earth. If z > 0 then the
galaxy’s light redshifted; if
z < 0 the galaxy then its light blueshifted. Often, a blueshift is referred to as a negative
Blueshift is rarely important, in contrast to the redshift which is of
great use. The majority of distant
galaxies (outside the Local Group: the
total size is about 10 Mly across) show a redshift in their spectra and we
will mainly deal with them. According
to cosmology, they are expanding in all directions away from the Earth and each
There are at least three types of
redshift that occur in the Universe: gravitational redshift, redshift due to
motion (Doppler effect) and cosmological redshift. Gravitational redshift is
rarely important, the other two are far more important in cosmology, especially
cosmological redshift.
general, the Hubble Law shows that a redshift of a galaxy is
correlated with its distance from the Earth. This law is
only applicable to distant galaxies (or say for relatively long-distance
galaxies); for
nearby galaxies (in the Local Group), it does not hold. Most cosmologists
believe that Hubble’s law
indicates a constant cosmic expansion of the Universe.
The simplest expression for the Hubble law valid for a redshift z
≤ 0.1 is
DG = zc/H0 … (1)
DG is the distance of a distant galaxy to the Earth, c (~ 3×105 km sec-1) is the current speed of
light and H0 is a constant known as the Hubble constant; at present time itis
estimated that H
0 = 72 km sec
or = 22 km sec
-1× (Mly)
-1 [= 2.2(1) × 10
1 This expression
shows that there is a linear relationship between redshift z and the distance of galaxies
DG if the redshift z ≤ 0.1. This linearity however breaks down at large distances. Applying
eqn. (1) we find that the Hubble distance, c/H
0 = 13.6 Gly for H
0 = 2.21 ×10
-18 sec
-1. The Hubble distance provides the natural distance
scale for the expanding Universe. Further details about Hubble’s law the reader may find in many
standard astronomical textbooks and related publications.
Big Bang Universe vs. the non-expanding (static) Universe. The (standard) Big
Bang model of the Universe is based on the General theory of relativity. It states that
the Universe started as a point singularity of
infinite density and temperature that
included all matter and energy of the current Universe. It then expanded rapidly over the next about 13.8 Gy to the current version. This is
the expansion of space itself (or better space-time itself) that is still occurring. It appears that the Big Bang hypothesis is supported by numerous evidence, including cosmological
However, they can, also, be interpreted without this model.
alternative to the Big Bang model is
the (standard) non-expanding model of the Universe. This Universe is unlimited in both space and time with no
singular beginning or ending like in the Big Bang model. Many of their
galaxies can be much older than about 13.8 Gy allowed by the Big Bang hypothesis.
Lerner [2, and references therein] reported that the ultraviolet surface
brightness data of galaxies, over a very wide redshift range, are in agreement
with the hypotheses of the non-expanding (Euclidean) model of the Universe. A detailed analysis of the gamma-ray
burst (GRB) sources performed by Sanejouand {3} suggests that the observable
Universe has been Euclidean and static over the last 12 Gy.
The non-expanding models of the Universe have serious difficulties in explaining many observations
(for instance cosmological redshift).
It appears now that the
Big Bang theory is dominant in cosmology but it is still subjected to various criticisms
and discussions, although most of them are theoretical.
In the further text, we adopt the non-expanding
(Euclidean) Universe (hereinafter NEEU) although some derivations and
considerations may be applied to other models of the non-expanding Universe.
Varying speed of light. In the cosmological literature, the issue of the speed of
light in the early Universe is more recent. Troitskii {4} suggested that the
speed of light continuously decreased over the lifetime of the Universe. He
argued that at the origin of the Universe, light might have traveled at 1010 times
its current speed c. Albrecht and Magueijo {5} suggested that at a very limited time during the formation of the Universe, the speed of light was much higher (about 1060 times) than its current speed c. Earlier, a
similar idea was proposed by Moffat {6}.
In contrast, Barrow {7} proposed that the speed of light has decreased from the
value suggested by Albrecht and Magueijo down to its current value over the lifetime
of the Universe. Sanejouand {8} hypothesized
that the speed of light decreased by about 2 × 10-5 km sec-1 y-1
during the cosmological history of the Universe. All of these authors have
shown that several intriguing cosmological issues associated with the Big
Bang model could be unraveled by such a high initial speed of light. However,
there are many problems in their theoretical approaches. This is not the place
to deal with these issues. Instead, we recommend the reviews by Magueijo {9} and Farrell and Dunning-Davies {10} to the
interested reader. It is important here
to note that Alfonso-Faus {11} proposed a non-expanding explanation for cosmological
redshift. He argues that this shift is due to a decreasing speed of light in
the fractal universe.
hypothesize that the redshift of distant galaxies of NEEU is caused by the superluminal
speed of their light, i. e. the speed of light coming from distant galaxies is greater
than the current speed of light c.
Derivation, Results and Discussion
As we pointed out above, it appears that the cosmological
redshift of distant galaxies arises from the uniform expansion of space (or better
space-time itself), not from their motion. In this case, the energy EG
(= hνG)
of photons coming from distant galaxies is lower than the energy of photons EE
(= hνE)
generated by the same source on the Earth; h (=
6.63 × 10-34 J sec) is the Planck constant
and νE and νG are the appropriate frequencies. Of course, νE > νG.
The difference between these two energies is ΔEEG = EE –
EG. Let
us denote with λG the wavelength of light emitted (and measured by
an Earth’s observer) by distant galaxy G and with λE the wavelength
of light generated by the same source on the Earth. Since νE =
c/λE and νG = c/λG we have λE <
The galaxies
interact with each other via gravity, which gives them a component of velocity that
is not due to the expansion of the Universe, but related to their real (“peculiar”) motion and it is called “peculiar” velocity. In reality, we deal only with the radial
component of each galaxy’s peculiar velocity: vpec. The expansion largely predominates,
since the average vpec of galaxies vpec is usually between about 100-300 km sec-1
[12, and
references therein] then
it is very likely that vpec ≤ 0.001c (≤ 300 km sec-1).
now that all distant galaxies of NEEU are moving relative to the Earth at a
non-relativistic speed vpec ≤ 0.001c. These galaxies continuously
emit a stream of monoenergetic photons in all directions. These photons were
emitted in the cosmic past, usually millions and billions of years ago. In
other words, we could conceive them as the “ancient photons” or “the photon fossils”
from the cosmic past. For the sake of simplicity, let us ignore for a moment the
effect of the velocity vpec on the redshift of a distant galaxy. As
above, we denote the energy of these photons with EG and with EE
the energy of the photons generated by the same kind of source on the Earth; νG
and νE are the corresponding photon frequencies. Distant galaxies
are in the same frame of reference as the Earth since vpec ≤ 0.001c.
Now we can apply the Principle of Conservation of energy. In this case, we have
EE = hνE = EG = hνG, and, accordingly,
νG = νE =ν. Since
we are dealing with the redshift λG > λE. We know that
the wavelength of a photon is given by the ratio of its speed and frequency. It
follows that the speed of light emitted by distant galaxies cG >
the total redshift of galaxy z = zG + zpec where zG
is the redshift due to the speed of the galaxy’s light cG and zpec
is the redshift due to the velocity vpec. Of course, depending on
the direction of the peculiar motion zpec can be positive, equal to
zero, and negative. In the case of the galaxy’s superluminal light, the “peculiar”
redshift can be approximated with zpec ~ vpec/cG
< 0.001 (or 1000vpec < cG), then if z ≥ 10zpec
we can write that z = zG ≥ 0.01. Therefore, if the total redshift z
≥ 0.01 then the redshift of superluminal light coming from distant galaxies, zG,
largely predominates in the total redshift z. Now the redshift of this light
can be defined by the following relation zG = (λG – λE)/λE
(= z) or zG = (cG – c)/c. After a bit of algebra, the
speed of the photons cG coming from distant galaxies is given as
cG = (1 + zG)c … (2).
Thus, if the
total shift of superluminal light emitted by distant galaxies z > 0.01 then
the speed of this light is (1 + zG)
times larger than the current speed of light c.
If the
currently observed upper limits of zG is about 11 then, according to
eqn. (2), cG → 12c. Note that this upper limit would change if
galaxies with higher zG are discovered. It is possible that in the
near future Earthlings may measure the speed of the light coming from distant
galaxies with a new highly sophisticated instrumentation.
If zG = z ≥ 0.01 then the distance DG
between distant galaxies and the Earth can
= cGtG
where tG is the “cosmic age” of the photons
emitted from the galaxies. This formula can be rewritten as
= DG/cG … (3).
“Megamaser” galaxies
of NEEU. Distance measurement is very important in cosmology but also is
difficult. The distance from the Earth to distant galaxies can be estimated
using standard candles. However,
these estimation methods require
a complex and uncertain ladder of calibration and the use of uncertain Hubble
constant H0 and redshift z.
Direct geometric distance measurements
by the megamaser method provide an independent way to accurately measure the distance
of distant galaxies DG up to about 650 Mly.
This method also does not require the complex ladder of calibration and Hubble’s constant H0.
Table 1. “Megamaser” galaxies.
Name of
[km sec-1]
23.7 {13}
300 000
65 {14}
301 000
162 {15}
303 000
349 {16}
308 000
447 {18}
310 000
SFrom Simbad (Astronomical database, Centre de données astronomiques
de Strasbourg,
Table 1 also shows the speed of light cG
emitted from the megamaser galaxies and the cosmic ages of
the associated photons tG.
Fig. 1. Distance DG
– redshift z relation among “megamaser” galaxies.

Fig. 1. Distance DG
– redshift z relation among “megamaser” galaxies.
Fig. 1 is a graph of the measured distance DG
of these galaxies vs. their redshift z (= zG). This graph shows a
linear relationship between their distance DG and redshift z and its
slope is (c/H0)~ 13.65 Gly. In other words, DG is linearly
proportional to z. This can be mathematically
expressed as Hubble’s equation (1) valid for z
≤ 0.1.
If we combine eqns. (2) and (3) we get
= (1 + zG)ctG …
For zG < 0.1 then this equation becomes
= ctG … (6).
The only way to equate these eqns. (4) and (6) is to have tG equal to c/H0. Now eqn. (5) takes the following form
DG = (1 + zG)zGc/H0.
For convenience, this equation can be rewritten as
= 13.65(1 + zG)zG …
where DG is Gly.
Table 2. Selected distant galaxies
Name of galaxy
[km sec-1]
350 000
950 000
TN J0924-2201
1 850 000
2 000 000
1 950 000
ULAS J1342+0928
2 400 000
GRB 090423
2 800 000
2 900 000
3 600 000
WRedshift from
Wikipedia, (List of galaxies); 1calculated using eqn. (2).
Selected galaxies. We know that the redshift zG of light
emitted from distant galaxies is known then we can estimate their speed cG
employing eqn. (2). In Table 2 are given values for this parameter for selected distant galaxies whose
redshift z (= zG) is much larger than 0.01. These are: the
optically brightest quasar in the sky 3C 273; the remote grand design spiral
galaxy BX442; the
most remote radio galaxies TN
J0924–2201 and TGSS J1530+1049 and; the most remote blazar Q0906+6930 and quasar ULAS J1342+0928;
the most remote gamma-ray burst (GRB)
host galaxy GRB 090423; and, the two most remote “ordinary” galaxies EGSY8p7 and GN–z11.
In conclusion,
it is shown that the redshift of the light coming from distant galaxies of NEEU
is possible to explain by the superluminal speed of this light.
work is dedicated to my sister Branka Premović. She introduced me to the
wonderful world of science and art from my earliest youth. My
thanks are addressed to Joseph A. Rybczyk for essential information to this
work. His scientific work is impressive.
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1 megaparsec (Mpc) = 106 parsec = 3.26×106 ly. This is the most critical assumption of this communication. To the best of the author's knowledge, the light speed of a distant galaxy has not been measured reliably so far.
Or the “time of flight” of these photons between the galaxy G and the Earth {3}.
[ Of note, that Lerner [2, and references therein] adopted this relationship for NEEU and for all z.
For the sake of simplicity,
this selection is based on the values of z reported by Wikipedia,
except for TGSS J1530+1049 {19]}
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