Friday, March 15, 2024

The Bizarre Case of the “Rod Light Clock”


The Bizarre Case of the “Rod Light Clock”


Pavle I. Premović

Laboratory for Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry&Astrochemistry,

University of Niš,, Niš, Serbia

A fundamental tenet of Special relativity (SR) is that the light speed c (= 2.99792×108 m s-1) is constant in all inertial frames. From this postulate, time dilation, as well as the associated length contraction, inevitably results {1}. 

Simply speaking time dilation can be defined as the phenomenon that a clock at rest shows the time interval ΔT0 which is shorter with respect to the time interval ΔT when it is moving with speed v. Physicists usually “use” as a clock a “traditional” light clock of SR (hereinafter “clock”) to illustrate this phenomenon and to derive the time dilation expression: 

ΔT = ΔT0 /√(1-v2/c2)

where 1/√(1-v2/c2) is the Lorentz-Einstein factor or the time dilation factor γ.  

In this note, we will focus on length contraction which can be simply anticipated as a direct consequence of time dilation {1}. 

Again, simply speaking, the length lc of a moving rod appears shorter than its length l when it rests. This effect is expressed by the length contraction relation:

lc = l√(1-v2/c2).[1]

“Clock” consists of two plane-parallel mirrors M1 and M2 facing each other at a distance d apart as in Fig. 1a. The upper mirror M1 has a light source at the center that emits a photon (or light signal) at 90 degrees in the direction of mirror M2. The photon for a time interval ΔT0 reaches M2 traveling a distance d = cΔT0.[1]

Let us assume that the “clock” is placed on the left end of a rod of a length l resting on the positive x-axis, Fig. 1a. Allow now this clock to move along the rod from its left end to the right end. Suppose now that at the start of measuring M1 emits a photon towards M2. A stationary observer records that the photon travels a larger distance D = cΔT for a longer (dilated) time ΔT (>ΔT0) but an observer moving with the clock (hereinafter the moving observer) records that the photon moves a smaller distance d = cΔT0. (Of course, ΔT0 and ΔT are related by the time dilation expression ΔT = ΔT0 /√(1-v2/c2). Simultaneously, “clock” travels l = vΔT.

We will now “use” the “rod light clock” (hereinafter “rod clock”) which is similar to the “clock” 

Figure 1: “Clock” (a) and ”rod clock” (b) experiments. (M1* and M2* are the subsequent positions of mirrors). For further details see the text.

except that M1 and M2 are “hooked” on the rod described above. If the “rod clock” is resting the photon emitted by M1 reaches M2 traveling a distance d = cΔT0. If this clock is moving, we are dealing with its length contraction which is illustrated in Fig. 1b. The stationary observer measures that the photon travels a larger distance Dc = cΔTc for a longer (dilated) time ΔTc (>ΔT0) but the moving observer records that the photon moves a smaller distance d = cΔT0. Now, “rod clock” covers a contracted length lc for a time interval ΔTc: 

lc = vΔTc    ... (2). 

If ΔTc and ΔT0 are related by the time dilation relation ΔTc = ΔT0/√(1-v2/c2) then ΔT = ΔTc or l = lc. According to SR, this is impossible. 

This communication and several other our papers {2, 3, 4, 5}, as well as the works of numerous other researchers [1, and the references therein], show that the thought experiment with the “traditional” light clock appears to need at least some rethinking.



{1} J. A. Rybczyk, Millennium theory of relativity,, 2018.

{2} P. I. Premović. The light clock experiments and the law of reflection. The General Science Journal, December 2021.

{3} P. I. Premović, Relativistic light clock experiments: time dilation or time contraction? The General Science Journal, December 2021.

{4} P. I. Premović, The moving light clock: which way the photon goes? The General Science Journal, December 2021.

[1] I am slightly confused by the meaning of this expression which is mathematically correct. Indeed, it implies that when the speed of rod v tends to zero its “contracted” length lc tends to the length l of the rod at rest.

[2] If we are dealing with a single photon as the light signal any process of its detection leads to its annihilation.



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