Relativistic Time Dilation or Contraction?
Pavle I. Premović
for Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry&Astrochemistry,
University of Niš, pavleipremovic@yahoo.com, Niš, Serbia
consider the time intervals of the half cycles of the classical light clock
aligned along the direction of its motion. When the photon travels in this
direction the light clock shows time dilation which is different from the
Lorentz-Einstein type. If the photon moves opposite the clock shows time
Keywords: Light clock, photon, time dilatation, time
contraction, Lorentz-Einstein.
One of the tenets of Special
relativity is its concept of time dilation which depends upon the second
postulate of Special relativity that the speed of light c is the same in all inertial frames of reference [1]. According to Special
relativity, if ΔT0
is the time interval of an event that occurs at the same position in an
inertial frame of reference, then the time interval of this event has a longer
duration ΔT as measured by an observer in an inertial frame of reference
that is in uniform motion relative to the first frame. Thus, both of the
time intervals ΔT0
(so-called proper time) and ΔT (so-called improper time) refer to the time of the same event
occurring in the two different inertial frames of reference moving with a
relative speed v. According to the Lorentz-Einstein transformations the two-time intervals ΔT and ΔT0 are related by the formula:
ΔT = ΔT0/√(1-v2/c2) where c (≈ 3×108 m sec-1) is the speed of light and 1/√(1-v2/c2) is the
Lorentz factor or time dilation factor. Apparently, time dilation has been
demonstrated in many experiments, including muon experiments [2 - 4].
In this note, we especially
focus our attention on the time intervals of the half cycles of the classical light
clock colinear to the direction of its motion.
Discussion and Conclusions
The light clock consists of two plane
parallel mirrors M1
and M2 facing each
other at a distance d apart as
in Fig. 1a. The
lower mirror M1 has a light source at the center that emits a photon
at 90 degrees in the
direction of mirror M2. For the sake of simplicity, we will first consider the time for the photon to travel from mirror M1
to mirror M2. Of course, you may find all the following derivations in many elementary physics texts.
Fig. 1. Measurements and analyses made in different
frames. The light clock is positioned perpendicular to the x-axis. (a):
No relative motion. (b): light clock moving at speed v.
For the light clock at rest, the proper
time interval is then ΔT0
= d/c. Now allow the same light
clock to be moving with a certain relative speed v horizontally in the
direction of the positive x-axis. An observer in the rest frame who is watching
this clock could then design a diagram associated with a simple Pythagorean
triangle, Fig. 1b. Clearly,
a photon will now travel the larger distance L and thus it will take a longer (improper) time ΔT = L/c. Of course, ΔT0 and ΔT are
related by the relativistic time dilation expression ΔT = ΔT0
Let us now perform the experiments
using the same light clock as in Fig 1a but
now aligned along the positive x-axis, as shown in Fig. 2a. Obviously, if this clock is resting
the time interval is ΔT0
= d/c.
2. Measurements and analyses for the
light clock positioned along the positive x-axis.
(a): No relative
motion; (b) and (c): the light-clock moving at speed v.
Allow this clock to move in the direction of the
positive x-axis with the speed v, Fig.
2b. To reach now the mirror M2 the photon will travel the distance
cΔT+ = D
+ vΔT+
in the
time interval
ΔT+ =
D/(c – v)
is the length of the light clock measured by a stationary observer.
To acquire
a relationship between ΔT0 and ΔT+ one may
invoke the relativistic
length contraction D = d√(1-v2/c2) and then
ΔT+ = d√[(1 - v2/c2)/(c – v)].
out c in the dominator
ΔT+ = d/c(√[(1 - v2/c2)/(1 – v/c)]
ΔT+ =
ΔT0√[(1 - v2/c2)/(1 – v/c)].
simplification, we get
ΔT+ =
ΔT0√[(1 + υ/c)/(1
– υ/c)].
ΔT+ represents time dilation as 1 + v/c greater
than 1 – v/c. Of course, this dilation is
different than the Lorentz-Einstein type of time dilation.
the back-reflected photon, the traveling time interval to the mirror M1
cΔT- =
D - vΔT-.
After a simple rearrangement
ΔT- =
D/(c + v).
Applying the same mathematics as above we get
ΔT- = ΔT0√[(1 – υ/c)/(1 + υ/c)].
ΔT- describes time
contraction. However, we must be aware that any photon detections at mirror
M1 or M2 would involve its annihilation.
Thus, the same light clock shows time contraction ΔT+ if its photon
moves in the direction of motion and time dilation ΔT- if
it moves opposite to that direction. The question is now: which of
these two-time intervals is “relativistically” right?
Finally, in the classical light clock
experiment we usually consider the total time needed for a photon to complete the cycle
ΔT = ΔT+ + ΔT-
= 2cD/(c2
- v2).
Factoring out c2 in the denominator
ΔT = 2D/c(1
- v2/c2).
After simplification
including length contraction, we get the relativistic time dilation
ΔT = 2ΔT0
We see, however,
no reason why the complete time interval of the classical light clock aligned
along the direction of motion is more “relativistically" speaking appropriate
than the other two-time intervals.
[1] N. D. Mermin. Space
and Time in Special Relativity. McGraw-Hill, 1968.
[2] H. Rossi, Cosmic Rays. Chapter
8, McGraw-Hill,
[3] D. Frisch and J. Smith, Measurement of the relativistic time dilation
using muons. Am. J. Phys. 31, 342–355 (1963).
[4] J. Bailey, K. Borer, F. Combley, et al., Measurements
of relativistic time dilation for positive and negative muons in a circular orbit. Nature 268, 301–305 (1977).
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